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The New Stuff

Holidays: what to do in case of dispute during your trip?

Missing trips, lost baggage, not so breathtaking views, sometimes the dream vacation turns into a chore. Dissatisfied? Disappointed? What to do to get relief?

Who to contact?

When you subscribe to a package tour from a travel agency, it must meet its service providers (hotel, transport, guide, etc.). Tour or map, the agency becomes responsible if at least two services are contracted through him they are set together and the trip lasts more than 24 hours.
If the agency does not sell you a ticket, in case of problems you will return you to the airline.

On the spot: what to do?

The program is but the services are not up to it? In case of legitimate protest, the agency is required to offer you an alternative directly via its local representative.

Unable to contact? Above all stay calm, you are still on vacation, so enjoy a minimum. But once the tension eased somewhat, put on your detective clothes to accumulate a maximum of proof (testimony, photographs dated and authenticated, official documents, airline schedules, etc.).

Back: challenge asap!

Back home, do not waste a minute to contact your travel agent. Claim terms and particularly the delays are explained there. All collected evidence must come illustrate the folder which will also include a letter explaining the dispute and an encryption (realistic) for the material damage (with supporting documents: hotel bills, receipts, etc.) and pecuniary damage for missed vacation!

Arrangements: each must find his account

Most of the time, often when many travelers complain to a similar problem, an amicable solution is found. Although the agency recognizes only rarely be wrong, she prefers it to go through a lawsuit. You can get help from a consumer association to obtain compensation.

If the compromise does not seem satisfactory to you, you can always bring an action before a local court, the estimate of the dispute does not exceed $ 4,000. Arm yourself with patience, but do not lose hope.

You have had problems with your travel agency? Feel free to send us your experience in comments. You will undoubtedly find the support of others stingy.


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